Impact Spain: balconing from Madrid

Impact Spain used their balconies as a stage to entertain the neighbours and share the gospel message during lockdown.

The promise of hope

Rainbows represent a promise of hope. Solidarity and kindness to one another has given many people hope during lockdown: food banks, people making homemade masks and PPE out of rubbish bags or visors on 3D printers. Every act of kindness helps! What can you do?

Spain is in mourning

Spain is in mourning. Loss of life, economic downturn, political and social tension. What does the future hold?

Two brothers survive coronavirus

José Pablo and Juan Sánchez, brothers, were both hospitalised at the same time, in different hospitals in Madrid. They tell the story of how their faith in God comforted and strengthened them as they fought for their lives against the coronavirus

Bill and Marie Eddy on lockdown

One Spanish family, 12 members affected by the Covid-19 virus, some hospitalised with very serious symptoms. All of them have now recovered.

Life on Lockdown

Reflections about the first weeks of lockdown in Spain in March-April 2020 due to the global pandemic of Covid-19.